Saturday, 22 February 2014

Music: The Soul of Life

Not every kind of music is pleasant to the ears, for music is subjective by nature. Produced by singers or musical instruments, music is an artistic form of auditory communication. The pleasantness however is solely dependent on the music band.
There are two main types of bands –

1.    Concert band – The kind of instruments involved in this type of band are bowed stringed instruments, percussion, woodwinds and brass. This kind of music can be performed at a particular area or location. One common example of concert band is an orchestra that is usually headed by a conductor.

2.    Marching Band – Mostly guided by a drum major, these bands usually perform while marching or making certain marching formations. Performing at outdoor events like parades or half time shows, there are several professional marching bands like inspire music marching band that put up great marching band shows.

While concert music band are the regular music you get to hear at every other events, it’s the marching bands that experiment a lot with compositions and music types. Music selection as they say is the key.

The inspire music marching band gives equal value to other things besides music too. For instance the drill including the color guard, the impact points, the audience response moments, the transition clarity etc. Similarly the effects like individuals, duets, ensembles, the tempo, movement, props and the 30-second rule.

When capturing the human emotions and reacting well to moments of sadness, surprise, excitement, silence, suspense etc, al of it contributes in making a good show, great. And lastly the details! From uniforms to body postures, feet, horn angles, hair jewelry and make-up, inspire music marching band knows just how to do it best.

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